When you invest, you buy units in unit trusts of your choice, and they are registered in your name until you decide to sell them.

Your money is combined with that of other investors who have bought units in that unit trust. Our portfolio managers use the pool of money to buy shares, property, bonds, cash or a combination of these, on local or foreign markets, depending on the type of unit trust selected. The rate at which your investment grows is dependent upon the performance of these assets.
You are able to buy more units whenever you want to, and have access to your funds at short notice should you wish to withdraw money. Quarterly statements will be available on the BCI web portal showing how many units you have in your account, and what the rand value is.

To register for online access, you will need to complete the online registration form. If you already have online access and forgot your password or are logging in for the first time, follow the steps below:

  1. Log onto the BCI website: https://www.bci-transact.co.za/WebClient/#
  2. Type in their entity/investor number as a username 
  3. Click ‘generate’/’reset password’ 
  4. Type in your username , ID number and e-mail address 
  5. Click on ‘submit’
  6. A SMS will be sent with a password to the cellphone number that was on your online application form
  7. You will need to login using the username, and use the password that was sent via SMS
  8. You will then be asked to enter the old password (the one from the SMS)
  9. Enter a new password (the one that will be used for future logins)
  10. You will now be able to access the web successfully

If you are still having trouble logging into your investor account, you can call the Client Services Team on:
+27 21 007 1500/1/2 | +27 21 914 1880

Yes, we are a registered Financial Services Provider (FSP #118) with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa. We are compliant with FAIS, FICA and all other relevant regulations for the services we offer.

You may have noticed that our unit trust fund names include the “BCI” after BlueAlpha (e.g. BlueAlpha BCI All Seasons Fund), and that when you invest with us, the funds are paid across to BCI, and investment statements are received from them. BCI (Boutique Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd) is a leading large independent Collective Investment Schemes service provider. They provide administration and distribution services to BlueAlpha. 

When you invest with BlueAlpha, your funds are paid across to a designated unit trust fund bank account at The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd. They are the custodian of the bank accounts and BCI are the administrators of the account. BlueAlpha has no access toto the unit trust bank accounts.

You are able to withdraw your invested funds within 2 business days. In order to withdraw any funds, you are required to complete a withdrawal form and send it to instructions@bci-transact.co.za before 2pm. The funds will be in your bank account 2 business days later.

Fraud Notice

Beware of impersonators claiming to be affiliated with BlueAlpha Investment Management. We have been made aware of various people/ platforms using our brand and BlueAlpha’s name to sell fake investments.

BlueAlpha Investment Management does not conduct business on WhatsApp/Telegram and does not offer crypto financial services.